Emporiki Crypto
Emporiki is a prominent global digital asset financial platform
Emporiki is a prominent global digital asset financial platform that offers a diverse range of innovative and secure financial services within the blockchain and cryptocurrency domains. Our platform encompasses a variety of financial products, including digital asset trading, lending, liquidity mining, and asset management. Backed by a rich historical background, we possess professional risk control capabilities, financial innovation expertise, and advanced blockchain and AI technology. These strengths, combined with our adept organizational proficiency, position Emporiki as a leader in the evolving landscape of digital finance.
Why Emporiki can become the world's leading digital financial asset derivative platform?
Financial innovation
Blockchain and AI
Risk and Control
Research and Data Science
Business Operation
As a leading digital financial asset derivative platform, we have launched unique financial products such as decentralized trading platforms, lending, and liquidity mining through smart contracts and blockchain technology. These innovative products not only provide users with more financial choices, but also set industry benchmarks in the blockchain field.
We Support Over 70+ Chains and 1,800+ Tokens
Institution's Trusted Digital Asset Custody Provider
Built for Institutions, Designed for Security and Operational Efficiency
Institutional Clients
Registered Users
Transaction Volume
6 Years
Continuous Service
We Support Over 70+ Chains and 1,800+ Tokens